I am an Enterprise Network Programmability Specialist in Safaricom Technology Division with hands-on knowledge of Linux, networking and background knowledge in software development. I studied bachelor of Science in Computer Science in Masinde Muliro University. Some of the places I have worked and roles I have played include:

  • Safaricom PLC- Technology intern
  • Teledata technologies- Technical Engineer
  • Encapsulated East Africa Limited- Network Engineer
  • Safaricom PLC-Service Availability Engineer
  • Safaricom PLC-Enterprise Network Programmability Specialist

I am passionate about devops and SRE so I decided to take this class to build my technical skills in development, devops and SRE in a school that is a world-class coding accelerator

Hobbies and Interests

  1. Travelling
  2. Cooking
  3. Running
  4. Singing
  5. Fitness
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Cookie Recipe

I did this project while learning how to list items in Html on Canvas. It involved cloning a project on gitgub and making the necesarry changes.The project is written using HTML and CSS languages

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This project was to help me learn HTML and CSS. I was able to create my own simple portfolio that had different pages i.e home, about, projects and contact. The languages I used are HTML and CSS.

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I did this project while learning python-django framework using DjangoFirls tutorial. I used python programming language for the project. It involved creating a blog site

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Birthday Project

This project involved using html, css and javascript to create a simple application that is able to calculate the day of the week that someone was born and give them an akan name

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This project was to help me learn javascript functions .It involved using a template and resources that were provided to create a website for delani studios.

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This is an updated version of portfolio.It was created using html and css and javascript to help understand the technologies better.

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Contact Me

Contact Details

Looking forward to hearing from you. I will respond as soon as possible

Dorothy Gichaba
Phone Number
(254) 714 612 920
Physical Location
Nairobi, Kenya